Ato Forson tells the IMF that Ghana's problems are the result of bad policy decisions rather than outside forces.

Ato Forson tells the IMF that Ghana's problems are the result of bad policy decisions rather than outside forces

 Ato Forson tells the IMF that Ghana's problems are the result of bad policy decisions rather than outside forces.

A ranking member on Parliament's Finance Committee,
Cassiel Ato Forson, has debunked assertions that
Ghana's economic challenges have been due to
external factors like COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine

In a tweet seen by GhanaWeb on September 7, 2022, Ato Forson claimed that he informed the IMF delegation that weak policy decisions and inadequate management were to blame for Ghana's problems. 

Additionally, he expressed his dissatisfaction with the prior remarks made by the MD of the IMF on September 5, 2022. 
"I informed the incoming IMF representative for Ghana earlier today that the main causes of our current economic problems are bad policy decisions and poor management, not coal or the Russo-Ukrainian War! In light of the information at hand, I also expressed my amazement at the IMF boss' most recent remark on the matter "He read his post. 
After speaking with Ghana's President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, on September 5, 2022, Kristalina Georgieva stated that the country's economic difficulties had


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