"At age 18, I was trafficked to Italy and had sex with 30 men every day," the woman claims


 "At age 18, I was trafficked to Italy and had sex with 30 men every day," the woman claims


Izzy Gobeide, a social media influencer, has revealed that she was a teenage girl trafficked to Italy, where she worked as a prostitute for five years.

 The UK-based Nigerian said that many Nigerian parents at the time tried everything they could to send their children abroad in an exclusive on the Naked Truth Show on SVTV Africa.

This "pattern" also applied to Izzy's parents. Izzy observed that her parents bid her farewell as she left for what they thought was a good place while being unaware of the human trafficker's scheme.

Having a child overseas seemed like a tradition." That is the reason why some parents, like myself, tell their children they must travel. You entrust someone with taking your child abroad. They (the parents) were helpless and gullible. "My parents would never participate if they truly understood the travel and what was going there," the woman said.


Izzy also revealed to the host, Deloris, that she had sex with ten to thirty men every day, depending on how attractive they were. Izzy has always been outspoken about her history and uses it to inspire others, particularly women who have gone through similar things.

Izzy said, when asked about how the sex job had affected her mentally, "It has been a journey for me." It destroyed and crushed me. Both you and the people you met in Italy are broken. As well, they were trafficked. You don't have any friends outside of the UK, then

Izzy is married and has two children. Izzy claims that her spouse is aware of and accepting of her history.


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