Smoking helps me overcome shyness, and without it, I can't operate as a sex worker


Smoking helps me overcome shyness, and without it, I can't operate as a sex worker


Lydia, a 25-year-old sex worker, admitted that she frequently smokes cigarettes and hashish before leaving for work each night to get over her nervousness.

Although Lydia stated that she does not enjoy prostitution, she is currently without a choice. After her mother passed away, Lydia said in an interview with SVTV Africa that she traveled to Accra to live with her aunt.

She left, nevertheless, because of the abuse she endured. She quickly began engaging in prostitution. Lydia talked about how difficult her job was and how she frequently smoked to get over her nervousness.


She left, nevertheless, because of the abuse she endured. She quickly began engaging in prostitution. Lydia talked about how difficult her job was and how she frequently smoked to get over her nervousness 

"I occasionally want to get high before heading out. I can go out after smoking cigarettes or hashish, but afterward I feel awkward.

I don't enjoy it since I'm only interested in making money. It is also risky. Because staying over is risky, I only go for short trips, the 25-year-old explained.

"I occasionally want to get high before heading out. I can go out after smoking cigarettes or hashish, but afterward I feel awkward

I don't enjoy it since I'm only interested in making money. It is also risky. Because staying over is risky, I only go for short trips, the 25-year-old explained.

ydia continued by saying that she wished to become a makeup artist after quitting prostitution. If you're prepared to quit and have a job to do, you can, Lydia remarked in response to DJ Nyaami's inquiry on whether she thinks prostitution is spiritually inclined. Although we all have our own perspectives, I think I can stop.



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