According to science, "morning splendor" exists for three reasons.

According to science, "morning splendor" exists for three reasons.
According to science, "morning splendor" exists for three reasons.

We'll let Sergio Diez Alvarez, director of medicine at

The Maitland and Kurri Kurri Hospital and the

University of Newcastle, explain..

"Nocturnal penile erections occur during Rapid Eye

Movement (REM) sleep (the phase during which we

dream)," he wrote in a post on The Conversation.

"They occur when certain areas of the brain are


Alvarez went on to say: "Sleep is made up of several

cycles of REM and non-REM (deep) sleep.

"During REM sleep, there is a shift in the dominant

system that's activated.

"We move from sympathetic (fight and flight)

stimulation to parasympathetic (rest and digest)


The medical expert said that this shift in balance

drives a response from the parasympathetic nerve

system - and this causes that tent to get pitched.

The explanation makes sense, as people often wake

up while coming out of REM sleep.



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